Warhammer the Old-World Escalation Competition
Our Warhammer the Old-World escalation competition will be starting on the 17th March 2025.
Entry is free to members, or £25 to guests. Sign up on the website by purchasing a ticket (discount applied at checkout for gold members).
This is an escalation competition. It’s primarily aimed at casual players looking for a good reason to paint/kit bash their armies. We’re looking to help each other learn and have fun.
Opponents will be announced in the Vault Community Room Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/392139600062026). All players are expected to be able to interact with this and arrange games via that group. You can use other methods if both people agree, but Facebook is the default expected. If you don’t do Facebook, we advise making an account that you only use to interact with the group and hobby stuff.
Email addresses will be required to receive player packs.
Board sizes will be following the rulebook suggested sizes (or bigger if both players agree).
We will be using the faction rules & errata as is current for each game, which can be found at https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/#
Each player will submit their faction choice at entry, this can’t be changed once the competition starts. Your faction is locked in for the league duration, but you may change which units you field each game.
The competition will start with 500-point armies, each round increase will be 500 points (500, 1000, 1500, 2000) Each competition round has 4 weeks to be completed finishing with 2,000 points the competition will end on the July 7th 2025
-Prizes: Trophy support for the league winner.
Player-voted categories at the end of the league will be as follows; best sport, most improved and coolest army.
Competition scoring per 4-week round
Activity | Points |
Play a game | 3 |
Every subsequent game played with different campaign participant | 1 |
Build a new unit | 4 |
Paint & base a new unit | 4 |
Paint & base your whole army (for the set points for that round) | 15 |