Regular Club & League Nights

What are Club Nights?

Running every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evening from 5pm until late, our regular club nights are open to all, and are drop-in sessions which do not require booking. They are intended to provide a relaxed, social environment of like-minded gamers to play ad-hoc games, learn new games, and to take part in our Leagues.

We will encourage certain games on different days of the week so that appropriate scenery, figures, and tuition or support is available for them, however, there are no restrictions on what games you can play (as long as mini-figures are involved!)

What's it cost?

If you are a current Gold club member, then club nights and leagues are free!

For non-members, it’s free if you just want to chat, spectate, or see what it’s all about, £5 if you decide to play.

Army rental is available for most games – this is free for members’ personal use, or for guests’ first taster games.

Non-members can also sign up for leagues, costs range from £10 to £30 depending on the size/duration of the league.

Are Beginners Welcome?

Absolutely! Our club nights are the perfect environment for you to watch how the various games are played, get your questions answered, and see the range of games, armies, and terrains that we play with.

We aim to have experienced players on hand to run you through the basics and get you started on club nights, we do advise that you let us know you’re coming if possible though so we can make sure someone is available for you. We do not charge any extra for basic tuition on club nights, you can also borrow an army for free if it’s your first taster game!

There is no pressure to buy anything, in fact, we’d always recommend that you get a feel for what game and type of army you’d prefer before taking the plunge.

Do I Need to Bring Anything?

We have everything here to get you started, so nothing is required for beginners. If it’s your first taster game, army rental is free!

Existing players are encouraged to bring their own armies along with codex/cards, dice, tape measures etc. We have dice, tape measures, markers etc available to borrow, as well as many full armies for hire.

What Games are Available?

We welcome any minifigure-based games on any of our club nights, so feel free to join us any evening, no matter what your interest..

If you’re looking for new opponents (or team-mates), we encourage players to attend our weekly themed evenings. Just turn up with an army (or borrow one of ours) on one of these nights!

Mantic Mondays

A selection of Mantic Game's miost popular offerings.

Games Include:

Kings of War
Dungeon Saga
More Info

Tabletop Tuesdays

Role-playing board games & dungeon crawlers.

Games Include:

Dungeons & Dragons
The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms
Dungeon Saga
More Info

Warhammer Wednesdays

Classic sci-fi & fantasy wargaming

Games Include:

Age of Sigmar
Horus Heresey
40K Kill Team
More Info


What are Leagues?

Leagues are a series of organised games between players so that each player in a league (or division) plays every other player once. Each league will specify which game and edition (usually the current version) is to be played.

Points are awarded based on whether you win, lose, or draw a game; one point for a loss, two points for a draw, and three points for a win. At the end of the league period, the winner is the player with the most points. Individual game scores will also be recorded and used to decide a winner in the event of a tie.

As each league grows, players will be assigned to different divisions. This helps to ensure that every level of player is given a balanced and fair experience.

What Experience do I need?

Players are expected to be reasonably familiar with both the game, and their army, to allow the majority of gameplay to take place from printed rosters or cards, although reference to codex/rulebooks is obviously permitted if required; you don’t need to commit everything to memory, but you need to be capable of completing a game in a reasonable period of time.

As a league grows, players will be separated into divisions according to their placement in the previous league. This will provide a reasonably balanced set of games for everybody.

League games will usually take place on the relevant club night, you are welcome to come along to these and join the next available league when you think you’re ready.

What Commitment is Involved?

You need to be able to commit to playing the required number of games during the season. Each game will be allocated a two-week window during which period you need to agree a date and time with your opponent to play your game. We encourage players to use the relevant club nights where possible, but games can be played at any time during the two-week period.

Games must be played at The Vault and declared as league games prior to starting to be officially sanctioned.

A standard league with seven players per division is played over three months. We may also run mini-leagues (one month for three players, two months for five players) if needed.

How Much Does it Cost?

For Gold club members, it’s completely free!

For non-members, the cost is based on £5 per game, so a standard, three-month league with six games would be £30. This price covers entry to all of the club nights for your league (whether you’re playing a league match or not) and any sanctioned league games played at other times.

We encourage league members to come along to club nights and play “friendlies” when not playing a sanctioned game, there is no extra cost for this.